On Saturday, August 29th, Wang’s Martial Arts (WMA) held its Scholarship Program Fundraising Banquet at Café East in Humble, TX. The banquet was held to raise money for those brown and black students who would like some financial help for college. Students, family, and friends joined the event that evening hoping to learn more about the Scholarship Program.
Participants enjoyed a wonderful selection of food offered buffet style and enjoyed meeting and talking with each other. In attendance was the school’s owner and chief instructor Master Yun Yang Wang who spoke to the audience about the importance of school and following the instructions of parents and teachers. Then the black belts at the event were recognized and given a small award for the work they have accomplished at WMA.
One of the ways WMA is promoting further development of the students is to offer money toward school costs. James Moricca presented the scholarship program in detail and explained why this program is a compliment to the lessons learned during classes at WMA. Future fundraising events were announced and participation in these future events was encouraged.
In attendance was David Barnes, the 1st recipient of the scholarship. Mr. Barnes was awarded and received the 1st scholarship to the sounds of cheers and clapping. More cheers were shared when a birthday cake was unexpectedly presented to one of the family members in attendance.
Then the participants were entertained by a series of demonstrations including a short skit followed by empty hand, weapon forms and a two-man set. These demonstrations were performed by current black belt students of WMA. The final demonstration was a group performance of the black belts performing an open hand form together.
Thank you to all who participated and attended the Scholarship Program Fundraising Banquet. With total banquet income of $1332.00 less dinner cost of $703.02, we raised $628.98 for the scholarship fund at this point. Thanks again for everyone for this combine effort of team work. |